Traveler’s IntelliDrive Discount

Traveler’s IntelliDrive Discount is a great way for responsible and safe drivers to save money on their Auto Policy. You will initially save 10% on your premium just by signing up.

When you sign up, you will need to download the Travelers IntelliDrive application on your phone. The application will track your:

Time of Day ( late night driving will negatively impact your score)
Distracted Driving

After 90 days, Travelers will evaluate your data and give you a new rate depending on how well you drove.

When it is time for renewal, you could see your discount raise from 10% to a maximum discount of 30% off of your premium.

For more information, here is Traveler’s website regarding this program

If you have questions about IntelliDrive and would like to speak to an IntelliDrive specialist, you can call 888-505-1217 between 5am – 8pm MST Monday through Saturday.

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